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Bluetooth chip protocol stack testing service

Time:2022-06-13 Views:1247
Bluetooth chip, as a key component in the upstream of Bluetooth industry chain, is directly related to the interoperability and consistency between downstream manufacturers. SIG organization has special testing standards and specifications to define these tests.

Taking the Bluetooth dual-mode chip project of deep light standard technology as an example, there are two parts.

1. Validation Test Type.

      Before the project starts, know the specifications that your product supports and determine the test type. Chip manufacturers generally choose the basic test types, mostly conventional component, host subsystem, controller subsystem, there are generally 5 kinds of related to products, and a few chip manufacturers will choose End Product to complete the whole project, while the downstream finished product companies are mainly End Product.

(1) End Product

Supports at least one complete core architecture (Core Architecture) with corresponding Controller and Host core configurations (Core Configuration, and has a protocol stack (Protocols) / service (Services) / application specification (Profiles) beyond the core specification (Core Specification)

IAL: Isochronous Adaptation Layer synchronization adaptation layer, a new protocol core layer for Bluetooth version 5.2. If the product is to be equipped with LE Audio, this layer is a mandatory requirement.

(2) Controller Subsystem

Support the "half" core architecture with the corresponding Controller core configuration. Controller Subsystem It must eventually be combined with a complementary Host Subsystem to form a complete Bluetooth system (for example, a tablet operating system, etc.).

(3) Host Subsystem

Support a "half" core architecture with the corresponding Host core configuration, and have a protocol stack / service / application specification (Profiles) beyond the core specification. Host Subsystem Eventually it must be combined with a complementary Controller Subsystem to form a full Bluetooth system.


(4) Profile Subsystem

All mandatory requirements defined in at least one or more Bluetooth configurations, services or application specifications (Profile) are supported.

(5) Component

Support at least one or more layers of core specification and / or all mandatory requirements in protocol stack, service or application specification . The purpose of the Component is to be integrated to create a new End Product or to allow further integration (for example, modify the circuit, modify the layout, modify the PCB) the design used to create a new design (Design) should be certified as a component (Component) type.

2. The BQB test and authentication process of Bluetooth dual-mode chip is as follows.

(1) Statement product basic information Project Basics

Fill in the basic information of the product, such as product name, model, trademark, certification type, product configuration of host and controller, configuration needs to declare whether single mode or dual mode, defined by BR / EDR / HS / LE.

(2) Selection of the protocol layer, Layer Selection

The specific protocol layer of the product shall prevail, such as BREDR LE dual-mode Bluetooth will involve common layers:

BB Baseband Conformance)、Link Manager

L2CAPLogical Link Control and Adaption Protocol)、

HCI/4.0HCIHost Controller Interface)、LLLow Energy Link Layer)、

IAL(Isochronous Adaptation Layer)、GATT(Generic Attribute Profile)、ATTAttribute Protocol)

Selection screenshot of core protocol layer

3ICS Selection

The selection of specific functions in the protocol layer PICS, for each layer to check the specific supported functions, there are mandatory and selective functions, mandatory functions as the basic functions must be supported. The selective function is expansible, and the more selective functions, the more case is tested, and the larger the amount of testing is, which can better reflect the superiority of the product.
PICS selection screenshots of specific functions in the protocol layer

(4) Conduct the test for Testing

This part is the key and time-consuming place of the whole process. It mainly tests the protocol layer, which will contain many test cases of the protocol layer, repeated testing and debug, and view the signaling and process according to the test specification.

The time of the whole project depends on two aspects, one is the speed of the test engineer and the retest, and the other is the speed of the software engineer of the chip manufacturer. Only with close cooperation can we complete the project quickly.
Normally, after getting the chip sample, the test engineer will conduct the first round of full coverage testing on all protocol layers, then screen the case on the TestPlan, mark the passed test green, the test failure mark red, and give the test log to the chipmaker software engineer, and the chipmaker software engineer debug will retest the case for a specific test failure, and proceed according to this.

Screenshot of Baseband Conformance protocol stack test in BREDR core layer controller 

Screenshot of protocol stack test of Link Manager in BREDR core layer controller 

Screenshot of the Link Layer protocol stack test in the BLE core layer controller

(5) Review and product announcement Review & Product Declaration

At this point, all the tests have been completed, and if it‘s a development test or a confirmatory test, you can finish the project here.

If you want to complete the certification, you will buy a DID, submit all the information related to the test and encryption test log, declare the product model, name, hardware and software version number, etc., and review SIG, SIG will look at the test data and review, if there is no problem, it will be listed on the SIG official website.

Deeplight has assisted a number of chip manufacturers to complete the testing of Bluetooth single and dual-mode BREDR-BLE chips, becoming one of the few teams on the market that can provide related testing or certification technical services. Welcome to consult us.