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US operator Verizon test certification

Time:2022-06-13 Views:1405

For any voice devices, voice + data devices and data-only devices, such as wireless medical devices, PDA/ handheld devices, data cards, M2M/IoT devices, embedded PC, etc., it is necessary to access the Verizon wireless network. Obtaining Verizon certification is very important for stable wireless network resource acquisition and access.

Verizon certification means that the product can meet the Verizon license after a series of tests and requirements, and Verizon recognizes the wireless security and wireless performance of the product.

Before obtaining Verizon certification, all devices must be type certified by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), including requirements such as PTCRBGCF certification, before starting Verizon certification conformance testing.

In the general testing of Verizon certification, depending on the characteristics supported by the product, additional testing and IOT interconnect interworking testing involve the following tests.

1. Verizon network IOT interconnection and communication test

The interconnection and interworking test content in Verizon certification is based on 5G and 4G, and 3G and 2G are no longer included in the test content because of withdrawal from the network.

1.1 5G Part

Verizon 5G NR NSA Device IOT Test 
Verizon 5G NR SA Device IOT Test 

1.2 4G Carrier aggregation part

Verizon LTE 2 Carrier Aggregation band13-4 IOT Test 
Verizon LTE 2 Carrier Aggregation Band66-13 IOT Test 
Verizon LTE 3 Carrier Aggregation Band13-4-2 IOT Test 
Verizon LTE 3 Carrier Aggregation Band66-13-2 IOT Test 
Verizon LTE 4 Carrier Aggregation Band66-13-5-4-2 IOT Test 

Verizon LTE 5 Carrier Aggregation Band66-5-2 IOT Test 
Verizon LTE 6 Carrier Aggregation Band66-48-46-2 IOT Test 

1.3 4G Voice test part

Verizon hVoLTE SRLTE IOT Test
Verizon LTE Voice Over WiFi IOT Test 
Verizon VoLTE Band66 IOT Test 
Verizon VoLTE IOT Test

Verizon LTE 4x4MiMO DEV-INFRA Test 

1.4 4G Between frequency bands and the other test sections

Verizon LTE Band 13 IOT Test 
Verizon LTE Band 48 CBRS Device Feature Interaction Test 
Verizon LTE MultiBand66-5-2 IOT Test 
Verizon LTE BlindDataIC DEV-INFR Test 
Verizon LTE CAT-M1 Lab Test 
Verizon LTE iRAT IOT Test 
Verizon LTE MultiBand IOT Test 
Verizon LTE UL CA  DEV-INFRA Test 

2、 LBS/aGPS/SUPL Application testing process

After the standard laboratory tests are completed, the developer can start the LBS/aGPS/SUPL process.

3、 MMS Equipment testing process

For devices that support MMS and need to use a Verizon MMSC server, the MMS test process must be completed before the device authentication.

4、 Private network testing 

It is suitable for devices that use Verizon private networks. At present, some private networks of Verizon have 4G LTE and 5G networks.

5、 Equipment management service testing

Uses the Verizon client package or Verizon's M2M (LWM2M) OTADM reference client package customer.

6、 Inbound permanent roaming

If certain conditions are met, Verizon will assume that the device does not roam its network accidentally.

The above is the introduction of an additional test project in the Verizon certification test. Depending on the product, you are welcome to consult Deeplight about the Verizon certification test.