
Google GMS certification MADA certification and EDLA certification deadline

Time:2024-03-04 Views:632
GMS certified versions of Android have a certification deadline, and Google will update a new version every year, and then end the certification application for an old version.

For example, Android 14 was released at the end of last year, and the MADA application for Android 13 was completed after February 29 this year, and the MADA certified version after February 29 must be Android 14. Not surprisingly, Android 15 will be released by the end of this year, and Android 14 will be closed for certification early next year.

The application deadline for EDLA certification is about one year later than MADA‘s. For example, MADA can only apply for Android 14 after February 29 this year, but EDLA can still apply for Android 13.

Deadline for MADA certification and EDLA certification for Google GMS certification for Android versions:

Android 12 version: MADA deadline is 2023/02/28; EDLA deadline: 2024/01/31.

Android 12L version: MADA deadline is 2023/02/28; EDLA deadline: 2024/01/31.

Android 13 version: MADA deadline is 2024/02/29; EDLA deadline: 2025/01/31.

Android 14 version: MADA deadline: 2025/01/31; EDLA deadline: 2026/01/31.

The above is about the application time for the first certification of MADA EDLA IR, please contact us to consult the GMS certification business, if it is a certified product to add a certified version, please contact our company to obtain the regional derivation time of the latest Android version.